Library iris.prelude.tactics

This file collects general purpose tactics that are used throughout the development.
From Coq Require Import Omega.
From Coq Require Export Psatz.
From iris.prelude Require Export decidable.

Lemma f_equal_dep {A B} (f g : x : A, B x) x : f = g f x = g x.
Proof. intros ->; reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma f_equal_help {A B} (f g : A B) x y : f = g x = y f x = g y.
Proof. intros → ->; reflexivity. Qed.
Ltac f_equal :=
  let rec go :=
    match goal with
    | _reflexivity
    | _apply f_equal_help; [go|try reflexivity]
    | |- ?f ?x = ?g ?xapply (f_equal_dep f g); go
    end in
  try go.

We declare hint databases f_equal, congruence and lia and containing solely the tactic corresponding to its name. These hint database are useful in to be combined in combination with other hint database.
Hint Extern 998 (_ = _) ⇒ f_equal : f_equal.
Hint Extern 999 ⇒ congruence : congruence.
Hint Extern 1000 ⇒ lia : lia.
Hint Extern 1000 ⇒ omega : omega.
Hint Extern 1001 ⇒ progress subst : subst.
backtracking on this one will be very bad, so use with care!
The tactic intuition expands to intuition auto with × by default. This is rather efficient when having big hint databases, or expensive Hint Extern declarations as the ones above.
Tactic Notation "intuition" := intuition auto.

Ltac fast_done :=
  solve [ reflexivity | eassumption | symmetry; eassumption ].
Tactic Notation "fast_by" tactic(tac) :=
  tac; fast_done.

A slightly modified version of Ssreflect's finishing tactic done. It also performs reflexivity and uses symmetry of negated equalities. Compared to Ssreflect's done, it does not compute the goal's hnf so as to avoid unfolding setoid equalities. Note that this tactic performs much better than Coq's easy tactic as it does not perform inversion.
Ltac done :=
  trivial; intros; solve
  [ repeat first
    [ fast_done
    | solve [trivial]
    | solve [symmetry; trivial]
    | discriminate
    | contradiction
    | solve [apply not_symmetry; trivial]
    | split ]
  | match goal with H : ¬_ |- _solve [case H; trivial] end ].
Tactic Notation "by" tactic(tac) :=
  tac; done.

Aliases for trans and etrans that are easier to type
Tactic Notation "trans" constr(A) := transitivity A.
Tactic Notation "etrans" := etransitivity.

Tactics for splitting conjunctions:
  • split_and : split the goal if is syntactically of the shape _ _
  • split_ands? : split the goal repeatedly (perhaps zero times) while it is of the shape _ _.
  • split_ands! : works similarly, but at least one split should succeed. In order to do so, it will head normalize the goal first to possibly expose a conjunction.
Note that split_and differs from split by only splitting conjunctions. The split tactic splits any inductive with one constructor.
Tactic Notation "split_and" :=
  match goal with
  | |- _ _split
  | |- Is_true (_ && _) ⇒ apply andb_True; split
Tactic Notation "split_and" "?" := repeat split_and.
Tactic Notation "split_and" "!" := hnf; split_and; split_and?.

Tactic Notation "destruct_and" "?" :=
  repeat match goal with
  | H : False |- _destruct H
  | H : _ _ |- _destruct H
  | H : Is_true (bool_decide _) |- _apply (bool_decide_unpack _) in H
  | H : Is_true (_ && _) |- _apply andb_True in H; destruct H
Tactic Notation "destruct_and" "!" := progress (destruct_and?).

The tactic case_match destructs an arbitrary match in the conclusion or assumptions, and generates a corresponding equality. This tactic is best used together with the repeat tactical.
Ltac case_match :=
  match goal with
  | H : context [ match ?x with __ end ] |- _destruct x eqn:?
  | |- context [ match ?x with __ end ] ⇒ destruct x eqn:?

The tactic unless T by tac_fail succeeds if T is not provable by the tactic tac_fail.
Tactic Notation "unless" constr(T) "by" tactic3(tac_fail) :=
  first [assert T by tac_fail; fail 1 | idtac].

The tactic repeat_on_hyps tac repeatedly applies tac in unspecified order on all hypotheses until it cannot be applied to any hypothesis anymore.
Tactic Notation "repeat_on_hyps" tactic3(tac) :=
  repeat match goal with H : _ |- _progress tac H end.

The tactic clear dependent H1 ... Hn clears the hypotheses Hi and their dependencies.
Tactic Notation "clear" "dependent" hyp(H1) hyp(H2) :=
  clear dependent H1; clear dependent H2.
Tactic Notation "clear" "dependent" hyp(H1) hyp(H2) hyp(H3) :=
  clear dependent H1 H2; clear dependent H3.
Tactic Notation "clear" "dependent" hyp(H1) hyp(H2) hyp(H3) hyp(H4) :=
  clear dependent H1 H2 H3; clear dependent H4.
Tactic Notation "clear" "dependent" hyp(H1) hyp(H2) hyp(H3) hyp(H4)
  hyp(H5) := clear dependent H1 H2 H3 H4; clear dependent H5.
Tactic Notation "clear" "dependent" hyp(H1) hyp(H2) hyp(H3) hyp(H4) hyp(H5)
  hyp (H6) := clear dependent H1 H2 H3 H4 H5; clear dependent H6.
Tactic Notation "clear" "dependent" hyp(H1) hyp(H2) hyp(H3) hyp(H4) hyp(H5)
  hyp (H6) hyp(H7) := clear dependent H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6; clear dependent H7.
Tactic Notation "clear" "dependent" hyp(H1) hyp(H2) hyp(H3) hyp(H4) hyp(H5)
  hyp (H6) hyp(H7) hyp(H8) :=
  clear dependent H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 H7; clear dependent H8.
Tactic Notation "clear" "dependent" hyp(H1) hyp(H2) hyp(H3) hyp(H4) hyp(H5)
  hyp (H6) hyp(H7) hyp(H8) hyp(H9) :=
  clear dependent H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 H7 H8; clear dependent H9.
Tactic Notation "clear" "dependent" hyp(H1) hyp(H2) hyp(H3) hyp(H4) hyp(H5)
  hyp (H6) hyp(H7) hyp(H8) hyp(H9) hyp(H10) :=
  clear dependent H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 H7 H8 H9; clear dependent H10.

The tactic is_non_dependent H determines whether the goal's conclusion or hypotheses depend on H.
Tactic Notation "is_non_dependent" constr(H) :=
  match goal with
  | _ : context [ H ] |- _fail 1
  | |- context [ H ] ⇒ fail 1
  | _idtac

The tactic var_eq x y fails if x and y are unequal, and var_neq does the converse.
Ltac var_eq x1 x2 := match x1 with x2idtac | _fail 1 end.
Ltac var_neq x1 x2 := match x1 with x2fail 1 | _idtac end.

Operational type class projections in recursive calls are not folded back appropriately by simpl. The tactic csimpl uses the fold_classes tactics to refold recursive calls of fmap, mbind, omap and alter. A self-contained example explaining the problem can be found in the following Coq-club message:
Ltac fold_classes :=
  repeat match goal with
  | |- appcontext [ ?F ] ⇒
    progress match type of F with
    | FMap _
       change F with (@fmap _ F);
       repeat change (@fmap _ (@fmap _ F)) with (@fmap _ F)
    | MBind _
       change F with (@mbind _ F);
       repeat change (@mbind _ (@mbind _ F)) with (@mbind _ F)
    | OMap _
       change F with (@omap _ F);
       repeat change (@omap _ (@omap _ F)) with (@omap _ F)
    | Alter _ _ _
       change F with (@alter _ _ _ F);
       repeat change (@alter _ _ _ (@alter _ _ _ F)) with (@alter _ _ _ F)
Ltac fold_classes_hyps H :=
  repeat match type of H with
  | appcontext [ ?F ] ⇒
    progress match type of F with
    | FMap _
       change F with (@fmap _ F) in H;
       repeat change (@fmap _ (@fmap _ F)) with (@fmap _ F) in H
    | MBind _
       change F with (@mbind _ F) in H;
       repeat change (@mbind _ (@mbind _ F)) with (@mbind _ F) in H
    | OMap _
       change F with (@omap _ F) in H;
       repeat change (@omap _ (@omap _ F)) with (@omap _ F) in H
    | Alter _ _ _
       change F with (@alter _ _ _ F) in H;
       repeat change (@alter _ _ _ (@alter _ _ _ F)) with (@alter _ _ _ F) in H
Tactic Notation "csimpl" "in" hyp(H) :=
  try (progress simpl in H; fold_classes_hyps H).
Tactic Notation "csimpl" := try (progress simpl; fold_classes).
Tactic Notation "csimpl" "in" "*" :=
  repeat_on_hyps (fun Hcsimpl in H); csimpl.

The tactic simplify_eq repeatedly substitutes, discriminates, and injects equalities, and tries to contradict impossible inequalities.
Tactic Notation "simplify_eq" := repeat
  match goal with
  | H : _ _ |- _by destruct H
  | H : _ = _ False |- _by destruct H
  | H : ?x = _ |- _subst x
  | H : _ = ?x |- _subst x
  | H : _ = _ |- _discriminate H
  | H : _ _ |- _apply leibniz_equiv in H
  | H : ?f _ = ?f _ |- _apply (inj f) in H
  | H : ?f _ _ = ?f _ _ |- _apply (inj2 f) in H; destruct H
  | H : ?f _ = ?f _ |- _progress injection H as H
  | H : ?f _ _ = ?f _ _ |- _progress injection H as H
  | H : ?f _ _ _ = ?f _ _ _ |- _progress injection H as H
  | H : ?f _ _ _ _ = ?f _ _ _ _ |- _progress injection H as H
  | H : ?f _ _ _ _ _ = ?f _ _ _ _ _ |- _progress injection H as H
  | H : ?f _ _ _ _ _ _ = ?f _ _ _ _ _ _ |- _progress injection H as H
  | H : ?x = ?x |- _clear H
  | H1 : ?o = Some ?x, H2 : ?o = Some ?y |- _
    assert (y = x) by congruence; clear H2
  | H1 : ?o = Some ?x, H2 : ?o = None |- _congruence
  | H : @existT ?A _ _ _ = existT _ _ |- _
     apply (Eqdep_dec.inj_pair2_eq_dec _ (decide_rel (@eq A))) in H
Tactic Notation "simplify_eq" "/=" :=
  repeat (progress csimpl in × || simplify_eq).
Tactic Notation "f_equal" "/=" := csimpl in *; f_equal.

Ltac setoid_subst_aux R x :=
  match goal with
  | H : R x ?y |- _
     is_var x;
     try match y with x _fail 2 end;
     repeat match goal with
     | |- context [ x ] ⇒ setoid_rewrite H
     | H' : context [ x ] |- _
        try match H' with Hfail 2 end;
        setoid_rewrite H in H'
     clear x H
Ltac setoid_subst :=
  repeat match goal with
  | _progress simplify_eq/=
  | H : @equiv ?A ?e ?x _ |- _setoid_subst_aux (@equiv A e) x
  | H : @equiv ?A ?e _ ?x |- _symmetry in H; setoid_subst_aux (@equiv A e) x

f_equiv works on goals of the form f _ = f _, for any relation and any number of arguments. It looks for an appropriate Proper instance, and applies it. The tactic is somewhat limited, since it cannot be used to backtrack on the Proper instances that has been found. To that end, we try to ensure the trivial instance in which the resulting goals have an eq. More generally, when having Proper (equiv ==> dist) f and Proper (dist ==> dist) f, it will favor the second.
Ltac f_equiv :=
  match goal with
  | _reflexivity
  | |- ?R (match ?x with __ end) (match ?x with __ end) ⇒
    destruct x
  | H : ?R ?x ?y |- ?R2 (match ?x with __ end) (match ?y with __ end) ⇒
     destruct H
  | |- ?R (?f ?x) (?f _) ⇒ apply (_ : Proper (R ==> R) f)
  | |- (?R _) (?f ?x) (?f _) ⇒ apply (_ : Proper (R _ ==> _) f)
  | |- (?R _ _) (?f ?x) (?f _) ⇒ apply (_ : Proper (R _ _ ==> _) f)
  | |- (?R _ _ _) (?f ?x) (?f _) ⇒ apply (_ : Proper (R _ _ _ ==> _) f)
  | |- (?R _) (?f ?x ?y) (?f _ _) ⇒ apply (_ : Proper (R _ ==> R _ ==> _) f)
  | |- (?R _ _) (?f ?x ?y) (?f _ _) ⇒ apply (_ : Proper (R _ _ ==> R _ _ ==> _) f)
  | |- (?R _ _ _) (?f ?x ?y) (?f _ _) ⇒ apply (_ : Proper (R _ _ _ ==> R _ _ _ ==> _) f)
  | |- (?R _ _ _ _) (?f ?x ?y) (?f _ _) ⇒ apply (_ : Proper (R _ _ _ _ ==> R _ _ _ _ ==> _) f)
  | |- ?R (?f ?x) (?f _) ⇒ apply (_ : Proper (_ ==> R) f)
  | |- ?R (?f ?x ?y) (?f _ _) ⇒ apply (_ : Proper (_ ==> _ ==> R) f)
  | H : pointwise_relation _ ?R ?f ?g |- ?R (?f ?x) (?g ?x) ⇒ apply H

auto_proper solves goals of the form "f _ = f _", for any relation and any number of arguments, by repeatedly apply f_equiv and handling trivial cases. If it cannot solve an equality, it will leave that to the user.
Ltac auto_proper :=
  repeat lazymatch goal with
  | |- pointwise_relation _ _ _ _intros ?
  try (f_equiv; fast_done || auto_proper).

solve_proper solves goals of the form "Proper (R1 ==> R2)", for any number of relations. All the actual work is done by f_equiv; solve_proper just introduces the assumptions and unfolds the first head symbol.
Ltac solve_proper :=
  repeat lazymatch goal with
  | |- Proper _ _intros ???
  | |- (_ ==> _)%signature _ _intros ???
  | |- pointwise_relation _ _ _ _intros ?
  | |- ?R ?f _try let f' := constr:(λ x, f x) in intros ?
  end; simpl;
  lazymatch goal with
  | |- ?R (?f _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) (?f _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) ⇒ unfold f
  | |- ?R (?f _ _ _ _ _ _ _) (?f _ _ _ _ _ _ _) ⇒ unfold f
  | |- ?R (?f _ _ _ _ _ _) (?f _ _ _ _ _ _) ⇒ unfold f
  | |- ?R (?f _ _ _ _ _) (?f _ _ _ _ _) ⇒ unfold f
  | |- ?R (?f _ _ _ _) (?f _ _ _ _) ⇒ unfold f
  | |- ?R (?f _ _ _) (?f _ _ _) ⇒ unfold f
  | |- ?R (?f _ _) (?f _ _) ⇒ unfold f
  | |- ?R (?f _) (?f _) ⇒ unfold f
  solve [ auto_proper ].

The tactic intros_revert tac introduces all foralls/arrows, performs tac, and then reverts them.
Ltac intros_revert tac :=
  lazymatch goal with
  | |- _, _let H := fresh in intro H; intros_revert tac; revert H
  | |- _tac

Given a tactic tac2 generating a list of terms, iter tac1 tac2 runs tac x for each element x until tac x succeeds. If it does not suceed for any element of the generated list, the whole tactic wil fail.
Tactic Notation "iter" tactic(tac) tactic(l) :=
  let rec go l :=
  match l with ?x :: ?ltac x || go l end in go l.

Given H : A_1 ... A_n B (where each A_i is non-dependent), the tactic feed tac H tac_by creates a subgoal for each A_i and calls tac p with the generated proof p of B.
Tactic Notation "feed" tactic(tac) constr(H) :=
  let rec go H :=
  let T := type of H in
  lazymatch eval hnf in T with
  | ?T1 ?T2
    let HT1 := fresh "feed" in assert T1 as HT1;
      [| go (H HT1); clear HT1 ]
  | ?T1tac H
  end in go H.

The tactic efeed tac H is similar to feed, but it also instantiates dependent premises of H with evars.
Tactic Notation "efeed" constr(H) "using" tactic3(tac) "by" tactic3 (bytac) :=
  let rec go H :=
  let T := type of H in
  lazymatch eval hnf in T with
  | ?T1 ?T2
    let HT1 := fresh "feed" in assert T1 as HT1;
      [bytac | go (H HT1); clear HT1 ]
  | ?T1 _
    let e := fresh "feed" in evar (e:T1);
    let e' := eval unfold e in e in
    clear e; go (H e')
  | ?T1tac H
  end in go H.
Tactic Notation "efeed" constr(H) "using" tactic3(tac) :=
  efeed H using tac by idtac.

The following variants of pose proof, specialize, inversion, and destruct, use the feed tactic before invoking the actual tactic.
Tactic Notation "feed" "pose" "proof" constr(H) "as" ident(H') :=
  feed (fun ppose proof p as H') H.
Tactic Notation "feed" "pose" "proof" constr(H) :=
  feed (fun ppose proof p) H.

Tactic Notation "efeed" "pose" "proof" constr(H) "as" ident(H') :=
  efeed H using (fun ppose proof p as H').
Tactic Notation "efeed" "pose" "proof" constr(H) :=
  efeed H using (fun ppose proof p).

Tactic Notation "feed" "specialize" hyp(H) :=
  feed (fun pspecialize p) H.
Tactic Notation "efeed" "specialize" hyp(H) :=
  efeed H using (fun pspecialize p).

Tactic Notation "feed" "inversion" constr(H) :=
  feed (fun plet H':=fresh in pose proof p as H'; inversion H') H.
Tactic Notation "feed" "inversion" constr(H) "as" simple_intropattern(IP) :=
  feed (fun plet H':=fresh in pose proof p as H'; inversion H' as IP) H.

Tactic Notation "feed" "destruct" constr(H) :=
  feed (fun plet H':=fresh in pose proof p as H'; destruct H') H.
Tactic Notation "feed" "destruct" constr(H) "as" simple_intropattern(IP) :=
  feed (fun plet H':=fresh in pose proof p as H'; destruct H' as IP) H.

The following tactic can be used to add support for patterns to tactic notation: It will search for the first subterm of the goal matching pat, and then call tac with that subterm.
Ltac find_pat pat tac :=
  match goal with
  |- context [?x] ⇒
      unify pat x with typeclass_instances;
      tryif tac x then idtac else fail 2

Coq's firstorder tactic fails or loops on rather small goals already. In particular, on those generated by the tactic unfold_elem_ofs which is used to solve propositions on collections. The naive_solver tactic implements an ad-hoc and incomplete firstorder-like solver using Ltac's backtracking mechanism. The tactic suffers from the following limitations:
  • It might leave unresolved evars as Ltac provides no way to detect that.
  • To avoid the tactic becoming too slow, we allow a universally quantified hypothesis to be instantiated only once during each search path.
  • It does not perform backtracking on instantiation of universally quantified assumptions.
We use a counter to make the search breath first. Breath first search ensures that a minimal number of hypotheses is instantiated, and thus reduced the posibility that an evar remains unresolved.
Despite these limitations, it works much better than Coq's firstorder tactic for the purposes of this development. This tactic either fails or proves the goal.
Lemma forall_and_distr (A : Type) (P Q : A Prop) :
  ( x, P x Q x) ( x, P x) ( x, Q x).
Proof. firstorder. Qed.

The tactic no_new_unsolved_evars tac executes tac and fails if it creates any new evars. This trick is by Jonathan Leivent, see:

Ltac no_new_unsolved_evars tac := exact ltac:(tac).

Tactic Notation "naive_solver" tactic(tac) :=
  unfold iff, not in *;
  repeat match goal with
  | H : context [ _, _ _ ] |- _
    repeat setoid_rewrite forall_and_distr in H; revert H
  let rec go n :=
  repeat match goal with
  | |- _, _intro
  | H : False |- _destruct H
  | H : _ _ |- _destruct H
  | H : _, _ |- _destruct H
  | H : ?P ?Q, H2 : ?P |- _specialize (H H2)
  | H : Is_true (bool_decide _) |- _apply (bool_decide_unpack _) in H
  | H : Is_true (_ && _) |- _apply andb_True in H; destruct H
  | |- _progress simplify_eq/=
  | |- _
    [ eassumption
    | symmetry; eassumption
    | apply not_symmetry; eassumption
    | reflexivity ]
  | |- _ _split
  | |- Is_true (bool_decide _) ⇒ apply (bool_decide_pack _)
  | |- Is_true (_ && _) ⇒ apply andb_True; split
  | H : _ _ |- _destruct H
  | |- _solve [tac]
  match goal with
  | |- x, _no_new_unsolved_evars ltac:(eexists; go n)
  | |- _ _first [left; go n | right; go n]
  | _
    lazymatch n with
    | S ?n'
      match goal with
      | H : _ _ |- _
        is_non_dependent H;
          ltac:(first [eapply H | efeed pose proof H]; clear H; go n')
  in iter (fun n'go n') (eval compute in (seq 1 6)).
Tactic Notation "naive_solver" := naive_solver eauto.